OUMC Missions

Drive Thru Prayer

Church members, as well as members of other churches, offer prayer to anyone who has a moment to stop on their way by FM 664 in the morning, or even for those who don’t. Prayer is offered on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. at the corner of Ovilla Road and Main Street. For more information, contact Jenny McKee.

The Anchor Home

The Anchor Home provides women in homeless situations with a safe place to live while they stabilize and move toward self-sufficiency. Their services help meet these women’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Ovilla UMC supports the Anchor Home in many ways. One way you can help is by donating some much needed supplies. In the foyer of the sanctuary each week there is a tub with an ongoing collection of supplies that the Anchor Home uses regularly. Items can be dropped off at any time. Items needed are:

-Small size toiletries

-Personal care items for women

-Bibles and devotional/inspirational books for women

-Books and Bibles for children

Manna House

Manna House counts on OUMC to provide some staples for those in need. In addition to contributions by our members, the Missions Committee makes a monetary contribution each month. You can leave your donations in the appropriate tub in the foyer. http://www.mannahousemidlothian.org/

Here are the items Manna House is most in need of:

  • canned fruit

  • peanut butter and jelly

  • canned chicken

  • canned tuna

  • salt and pepper

  • sugar

In addition, we provide a monthly donation from our Missions Committee.

North Ellis County Outreach (NECO)  

NECO counts on OUMC to provide shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste for those in need. All items donated can be left in the appropriately marked tub in the foyer. http://www.necoutreach.org/

In addition, we provide a monthly donation from our Missions Committee.

Other Missions Opportunities OUMC participates in are:

Dallas VA Hospital — Walmart/gas cards

Military Bases — collect coupons and forward to the military

St. Jude Children’s Hospital — collect tabs from cans

Aldersgate Center in Brownwood, TX — monthly donation from our Missions Committee

McCurdy Ministries in New Mexico — monthly donation from our Missions Committee

Meals on Wheels in Ellis and Johnson Counties — monthly donation from our Missions Committee

Youth Mission Trip

Adult Mission Trip to UMCOR Sager Brown in Baldwin, LA

Angel Trees in December for Manna House and CASA

First Look Crisis Pregnancy Center in Waxahachie — baby bottle drive

Church Garage Sale held in the spring to raise money for mission outreach

For more information, please contact Jerry McClung or come to one of our Missions Committee meetings held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November).